Apply pupil detection here
Like any good cooking show – here’s a little app I’ve prepared beforehand:
This app does basically what I set out to do in the project specification:
Which then became a sketch in
It’s coded in Swift, using SpriteKit, so animations are a smooth 60 fps even though the face, eye, and pupil detection might run slower than that in the background. I’m currently also using Vision, Apple’s computer vision framework, for face and eye detections too see if it makes sense to switch out the OpenCV haar cascade detection method. Vision definitely seems faster than OpenCV and has about the same accuracy (i.e. needs Kalman filtering to make detection positions more stabile over time).
The goal at the moment is just to visualize which of the two images that is followed. That is, if the pupil detection I’m using is good enough.
Obviously, there is a lot more I would like to do with it but it’s got a picture of a cat and that is hopefully enough for my child to pay close attention.